Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my submission. Below you will find a few different section for the project proposal. 1. The Idea 2. The way and 3. The Plan and Outcome. Below all you will see sample imagery and inspiration as moodboard.

Earth is a Sound.

— The Idea

Earth is a sound is a project proposal to create an interactive & immersive Augmented Reality experience that is based on spatial sound with the main focus of highlighting different species and ecologies. The project aims to act as an access point for collective experiences of what we call “nature”.

The 2020 virus pandemic has forced many in unfavorable circumstances, created global physical disconnection and pushed humans to spend incredible amount of hours in virtual spaces, some empowering, others exhausting and devastating. In the same urgency the Climate continues to change and threaten not only the life of the many of earth’s co-inhabitors, the species we share our planet with.

The project is about earth as a healing space and at the same time questions how we see nature and what we constitute of nature.

Earth is a sound asks the participants through experiences to immerse in sound and expand their outlooks on ecology along the way. What new poetic form might technology and ecology co exist in? What sketches of reality might nature feel like? Can devices be tools for discovery and calm rather than end-less-scroll consumption?

I want this project to be like drawing. Instead of pen, there might be a phone. Instead of paper, there might be a plant. Instead of line, there might be a sound.

I want it to be a place of reflection and connection back to nature and empathy with multi-species.

— The Way

Through multiple sketches and experiments, immersive experiences will be prototyped and tested to create poetic and juxtaposed outcomes. Playing with location, position, and the notion of place, the artist will also explore interactivity with the user. The goal is to have an “online” or app experience that can be accessed by anyone, and used by anyone with a big focus on younger generation and children to engage with their environment in playful and poetic ways.

Samples of sound and visual artifacts may be collected from variety of climates such as “extreme” ecologies like the desert. In addition of collection of sounds in nature, visuals and other auditory forms may be collected from Google Earth Studio and Scientific Data bases. This allows me to access remote or distanced information from me as sensed and collected globally.

Prototyping different sonic typologies and visual forms will be part of the project.

— Outcomes + Plan

I have collaborators in mind who would be able to accelerate the production and prototyping aspect. Ideally this project can be co-hosted or collaborated with another partner who could provide support in the development, and possibly accelerating the collection of data etc. The goal is to have the project be available on the phone and on browser in order to stay as accessible as possible to diverse cultures, age groups and people. The tools, then, may be more focused on the software.

The outcome aims to be an interactive Augmented Reality experience focused on creating new sketches of nature via sound.